Thursday, August 16, 2012

Books, Books & More Books

Ever since I got my new Kindle Fire, I've been reading up a storm. Audio books, library books, free downloaded Amazon books, you name it, I'm reading it.

My favorite genre is Sci Fi/Fantasy, but I've decided that it's time to branch out and try some new types. However, I had no idea where to start. I thought I would check out the internet for recommended reading and from there I've created lists of books to read. (More OCD, anyone?) I think I went a little overboard, though. I don't think I'll ever get through all of these lists! I already had lists started for my favorite authors: Madeline L'Engle, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Terry Brooks and Anne McCaffery. Now I've added more:

There's another couple of lists that I've lost the links for, but include "classics" such as "The Great Gatsby". Most of what I've read I've really enjoyed, but I find that I still really lean towards the sci fi books. Of course, once I finish reading a good book, I look for the movie on Netflix, but that's a different list obsession for another day.

Happy Reading!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Look What I Did!

When I was younger I used to spend a lot of time painting my nails with unique (for me) designs and colors. I always loved doing it, but as I got older and had less time for myself, I stopped doing it. Oh, I would occasionally get a wild hair and do something, but for the most part I stopped painting my nails completely.

Recently, I had the urge to paint some designs again, and looked on the internet for some ideas and inspiration. My Goodness, there are a lot of really talented people out there! So while I am not nearly so gifted with artistic abilities, I did manage to design something that I am very happy with.

Watchya think? Not too shabby for an amateur, eh?

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Yellowstone Vacation

Every year we try to take a family vacation. This year we couldn't agree on our destination, so we let our five year old pick. He chose Yellowstone. We had taken our oldest son there about nine years ago, but the little one had never been, so we let him have his way.

If you have never been to Yellowstone, add it to your to-do list. It is an amazing and surprising place. It was nothing like I expected. I grew up in Colorado where we have lots of mountains, lakes, parks, and forests, and I guess I expected to see the same things in Yellowstone. Don't get me wrong, it has all of those things, but it also has so much more!

What makes Yellowstone so unique? It is located in a giant volcanic caldera, or supervolcano. It is the largest supervolcano on our continent and is active. Half of the world's geothermal features, such as geysers, hot springs, mud pots and fumaroles are found here. It is like being on a different planet in places. The first time we went, in 2003, there was so much new volcanic activity going on, that some of the features were closed to visitors. They were recording ground temperatures over 200 degrees in these places. The geysers were all erupting more often than usual and we saw so much that was so super cool. This time, there wasn't near as much activity, which was a little disappointing, but we still had a great time.

One of the other great things about Yellowstone is the wildlife. Being from Colorado, I'm used to seeing lots of wildlife, but I have never seen so many different types so close to each other in one day. Our first day there we saw: a moose, grizzly bear, elk, bison, canadian geese and pelicans. Over the course of our visit, we would see many more bison, elk, some deer, antelope and we think we even saw the outline of a wolf chasing a bison herd. Of course, you also see a whole lot of stupid humans trying to get as close as possible to the animals for a great picture. Not the brightest, people!

The one thing that really disappointed me was the mountains. I have not really spent a lot of time outside of Colorado, and I always assumed that other places had mountains like we do. I was really wrong! So far, I have seen nothing to rival our wonderful Colorado mountain ranges. I always laugh when I see the t-shirts they sell in Yellowstone that say: Got Oxygen, Elevation 8,000 feet. We get these t-shirts in Colorado, and for us, 8,000 feet is nothing. My son works at a restaurant on Mt. Evans by Idaho Springs at over 10,000 feet. Of course, Mt. Evans is one of the many Fourteener's here in Colorado, and I never realized how many of them we have here in Colorado. I will not take them for granted any more!

So if you've ever thought about going to Yellowstone but haven't, please do it. If you like nature and walking, it's ideal. If you don't like the Great Outdoors, you probably won't like it, but we had a wonderful time!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

School Year's Resolutions

Tomorrow is the first day of school for both of my kids. My 17 year old will be a senior and my 5 year old will be in Kindergarten. For those of you who just did the math in their heads, here goes:

Yes, my children are 12 years apart.

No, we didn't plan it that way.

Yes, they have the same father (and mother).

Yes, we understand what causes this.

No, we do not plan on doing this every 12 years.

Ok, so now that that's out of the way...

Every year I make "School Year Resolutions". This is going to be the year that I will be organized, prepared and everything will go like clockwork.  I will:

  • Make the kids go to bed at a decent hour
  • Make healthy breakfasts/lunches every day
  • Get up at a decent hour so we can be on time and clean
  • Check homework/paperwork every night
  • Keep in contact with teachers to make sure the boys are doing well
Unfortunately, I am so much better at planning than doing. I've never before been able to accomplish this with one kid in school, and now I've got two.

Please wish me luck. Or send lots of wine if you feel inclined to do so.